Programmers' ranks
Every soldier carries a marshal's baton in his pack. Every junior carries senior's brain in his head. So, on the eve of the men's holiday we want to tell you about a particle of military discipline in the world of Information Technologies, about developers' ranks.
Why programmers underestimate timing
In today's world time - it is the most expensive and in demand resource. Everyone wants to know the exact term, everyone wants this period to be as short as possible, and the result is as good as possible. Custom software development is no exception.
Software requirements specifications – the first step to successful development
It's no secret that ordinary people and programmers speak different languages. But despite this, business needs automation, and managers need to negotiate with IT industry representatives.
CRM systems
Customer Relationship Management – it is an important part of the business. The company profit directly depends on the sales level, and the sales level in turn depends on customer satisfaction. Every new incoming request processing demands a lot of information, such as contact details, number of earlier orders, the person in charge. Even small businesses rarely have double-digit number of customers, so a simple excel-document is not good for quick and easy data access.
How KISS and other principles can help in software development and in everyday life
Very soon, developers from all over the world will celebrate the 256th day of the year. On the eve of this holiday, which falls on September 12 this year, we would like to tell you a few words about our profession.