• X international Java conference JPoint

    X international Java conference for experienced Java developers - JPoint will take place from 7th to 8th of April in WTC Congress Center in Moscow.
    Performance, concurrency, testing, distributed systems and high loads in the Java world, and the future of the platform will be conference main topics.  
    This year all the employees of the company Ardecs have decided to gather new valuable information from conference reports. In order not to stop the workflow, we have decided to organize a live broadcast of the JPoint conference in the office from Friday morning till Saturday evening.

  • Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

    Dear Defenders of the Fatherland!

  • Programmers' ranks

    Every soldier carries a marshal's baton in his pack. Every junior carries senior's brain in his head. So, on the eve of the men's holiday we want to tell you about a particle of military discipline in the world of Information Technologies, about developers' ranks.

  • Why programmers underestimate timing

    In today's world time - it is the most expensive and in demand resource. Everyone wants to know the exact term, everyone wants this period to be as short as possible, and the result is as good as possible. Custom software development is no exception.

  • Software requirements specifications – the first step to successful development

    It's no secret that ordinary people and programmers speak different languages. But despite this, business needs automation, and managers need to negotiate with  IT industry representatives.

  • Conference AgileDays 2016 was held in Moscow

    One of the heads of the company Ardecs took part in the conference AgileDays, which was held in Moscow from 14th till 15th of March. It was his fourth business trip to the Agile-conference.