ERP systems
As the name implies, the main purpose of ERP systems is enterprise resource planning. Properly configured ERP system will provide answers to questions like, "How was that?" and "How is it now?" as well as to "How will it be?", "How should it be?". Thus, all the data that are available in the system are not only used for accounting, but also for planning and optimization.
Business IT solutions
Automation solutions for business is a quite extensive and not always unambiguous theme. Before buying or ordering software, the manager should answer following questions:
Programming language Elm, its features
The programming area has its own increasingly popular paradigm: more and more applications are being created without global structure randomly changed by the different parts of the code. React-js, Redux, Apache Samza and Lambda-architecture are in the list of such frameworks. The purely functional programming language, explicit representation of the application state as one component and bus event processing are the main components of this approach. They are consistently registered and strictly arranged by date.
The interaction approach of public authorities in the E-government
The value of time comes to the forefront in the century of high technologies. The principle of people line becomes irrelevant, it is succeeded by electronic queue. The Electronic Russia Federal Target Program was created at the federal level. Within this program in October, 2011, the E-government (Electronic Government) project started, urging to change relationship between society, thereby having ensured effective functioning of administration. Public authorities of any level now could cooperate among themselves without creating own social networks and portals. One of such ways of communication is the Portal of the State Services which allows to obtain information on the state services, an order of their presentation and registration.
How Google Tests Software?
Last week software testing specialist of Ardecs company talked about topic: "How tests in Google?", based on material of the book "How Google Tests Software" of 2014.