XIX Russian National Programming Tournament in ISTU

Russian national academic intellectual sports competition among students (tournament) will take place from 9th to 21st of February in Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University in cooperation with Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The goal of the tournament is to prepare teams for participation in the ACM ICPC 2017/2018 World Championship as well as in Russian national and regional competitions.
The tournament will include training contests, problem solving, cultural and sports programs. The winners will be announced in several categories: overall rating and sponsored contests.
The competition will be directly sponsored by the company Ardecs.
Denis Tatarinov, our company’s software developer, will be a part of Plushki team participating in the tournament. Also our colleague Pavel Abizyaev is participating in the contest as a coach.
We would like to wish best of luck to all of the participants of this tournament!